
Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Photo: Synchronous Motor Electronic Rotor Application System; will operate with power frequency from 40 to 70 Hertz
REL designs Custom Electronic Systems that are not commercially available
REL Specializes on Electronic Systems that are independent of software for exceptionally long service life and reliability
REL provides Fault Analysis and Repair of vintage electronic systems

Specifies Power Transformers

REL specifies large electric power transformers such as Generator Step Up Units. Photo is of a 33 MVA 13.8-120 KV GSU transformer
REL provides Mathematical Studies and Analysis of power generation and transmission systems.
REL provides protection and control fault analysis and recommendations

Design Substations

REL designs traditional distribution and transmission substations. Photos is a 13.2 kV distribution system
REL provides Protection and Control systems for substations and power generation
REL is not a large engineering firm that can only offer cookie cutter solutions

Application Protection
and Control


Transformers, HV circuit
breakers, relay systems

Power system

Harmonic Analysis
Electronic Repair and Design

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Reach Us

Location :

4117 N Garry Rd, Otis Orchards, WA 99027, USA

Email :

Phone :

+1 509 892 1375